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ares::Camera is a base for ares::CameraOrthogonal and ares::CameraPerspective.

ares::Camera structure

Name Type Condition
name BasicString version >= 0x5
matrix Matrix44
frustumLeft float32
frustumRight float32
frustumBottom float32
frustumTop float32
frustumNear float32
frustumFar float32
viewport Viewport
sortModeOpaque uint32
sortModeTransparent uint32


ares::CameraOrthogonal structure

Name Type
base ares::Camera
pixelAspectRatio float32
fieldOfView float32


ares::CameraPerspective structure

base Type Description
base ares::Camera
pixelAspectRatio float32
fieldOfViewHorizontal float32
isFieldOfViewHorizontal bool If false, field of view is set to 0.0.