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A RailResource describes a rail along which a hotspot can be dragged.

RailResource structure

Name Type Description
header ThorResourceHeader
hotspotName EncryptedString Name of the GeometryResource which describes the draggable hotspot for this rail.
initialVertex uint16
directionType DirectionType
sensitivity float32
snapFactor float32
maxAngle float32
isCyclic bool Indicates whether the first and last rail segments connect back to each other, i.e. whether the rail's hotspot can be dragged past the last rail segment to the first (and/or vice versa).
orientationX float32
orientationZ float32
vertices Array<RailVertex> If !isCyclic, vertices[0].in and vertices[vertices.len-1].out are ignored.

DirectionType enum

DirectionType describes the direction in which a hotspot can be dragged along a rail.

Name Value
Forward 0x0
Backward 0x1
Bidirectional 0x2

RailVertex structure

A RailVertex describes a vertex along a cubic Bézier curve.

Name Type Description
pos Vector3 Position.
in Vector3
out Vector3