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BigFile is the container format employed by Ubisoft for Revelation. All of Revelation's data is contained in BigFiles.

coderjo wrote some Python scripts for manipulating BigFiles.

BigFiles are little-endian, and have the .m4b file extension.

BigFile structure

Name Type Description
magic BasicString Magic signature. Must be "UBI_BF_SIG\0".
version uint32 Though this can be any value, as it's ignored by Revelation, only 0x1 is known.
root FatDirectory must be empty.
fileTable ... Table of files described in root.

FatDirectory structure

Describes a single directory contained in a BigFile.

Name Type Description
name BasicString In source material, all non-empty directory names have a redundant null-terminator.
nSubDirs uint8
subDirs FatDirectory[nSubDirs]
files Array<FatFile>

FatFile structure

Describes a single file contained in a BigFile.

Name Type Description
name BasicString In source material, all non-empty file names have a redundant null-terminator.
size uint32
pos uint32 File's absolute start position in its containing BigFile.