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Base types

FileMagic string

With some exceptions, all asset files have a FileMagic at the start of the file. It can be one of "ubi/b0-l" and "ubi/b0-b", which indicate whether the file is little- or big-endian respectively. However, only "ubi/b0-l", the little-endian variant, has ever been observed in the wild.

BasicString structure

The basic UTF-16 string used all over the place. Sometimes referred to as ubistring.

Name Type Description
len uint32 Length of the string.
s char[len] The string.

BasicWString structure

Same as BasicString, except with UTF-16 encoding.

Name Type Description
len uint32 Length of the string.
s wchar_t[len] The string.

EncryptedString structure

Same as BasicString, except all chars are "swizzled".

Name Type Description
len uint32 Length of the string.
s char[len] The string.


void EncryptedString::Swizzle() {
    for (int i = 0; i < this->len; i++) {
        byte b = this->s[i];
        this->s[i] = (b & 0xAA) >> 1 | (b & 0x55) << 1;

Array<Type> structure

Name Type Description
len uint32 Length of the array.
data Type[len] Elements of the array.

PairArray<Key, Value> structure

Name Type Description
len uint32 Length of the array.
data Pair<Key, Value>[len] Elements of the array.

Pair<Key, Value> structure

Name Type Description
k Key Key.
v Value Value.

Time structure

Name Type
day uint32
dayOfWeek uint32
hour uint32
millisecond uint32
minute uint32
month uint32
second uint32
year uint32

Vector2 structure

Sometimes referred to as vec2.

Name Type
x float32
y float32

Vector3 structure

Sometimes referred to as vec3.

Name Type
x float32
y float32
z float32

Vector4 / Quaternion structure

Sometimes referred to as vec4 or quat respectively.

Name Type
x float32
y float32
z float32
w float32

Matrix22 structure

Name Type
x Vector2
y Vector2

Matrix33 structure

Name Type
x Vector3
y Vector3
z Vector3

Matrix44 structure

Name Type
x Vector4
y Vector4
z Vector4
w Vector4

Color structure

Name Type Description
r float32 Red.
g float32 Green.
b float32 Blue.
a float32 Alpha.

Box structure

Name Type
pMin Vector3
pMax Vector3

Plane structure

Name Type
normal Vector3
constant float32

Viewport structure

Name Type
posX float32
posY float32
width float32
height float32

CompressedQuaternion3U16 structure

Name Type
x uint16
y uint16
z uint16


void CompressedQuaternion3U16::Compress(Quaternion *src) {
    if (src->w < 0.0) {
        this->x = (uint16)((1.0 - src->x) * 32767.0);
        this->y = (uint16)((1.0 - src->y) * 32767.0);
        this->z = (uint16)((1.0 - src->z) * 32767.0);
    } else {
        this->x = (uint16)((1.0 + src->x) * 32767.0);
        this->y = (uint16)((1.0 + src->y) * 32767.0);
        this->z = (uint16)((1.0 + src->z) * 32767.0);

void CompressedQuaternion3U16::Decompress(Quaternion *dst) {
    float w;

    dst->x = (float32)this->x*(1.0/32767.0) - 1.0;
    dst->y = (float32)this->y*(1.0/32767.0) - 1.0;
    dst->z = (float32)this->z*(1.0/32767.0) - 1.0;
    w = ((1.0 - dst->x*dst->x) - dst->y*dst->y) - dst->z*dst->z;
    if (w > 0.0) {
        dst->w = sqrt(w);
    } else {
        dst->w = 0.0;

CompressedQuaternionU32 type

  • Type: uint32
  • Bits: xxaaaaaa aaaabbbb bbbbbbcc cccccccc
    • xx: greatest quat element (0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z, 3 = w).
    • aaaaaaaaaa/bbbbbbbbbb/cccccccccc: other three elements.


const float32 oneOverRootTwo  = sqrt(2.0) /     2.0;
const float32 scaleRange10Bit = sqrt(2.0) / pow(2.0, 10);

static uint32 CompressedQuaternionU32::CompressElement(float32 elem) {
    return min((uint32)((elem + oneOverRootTwo) * (1.0/scaleRange10Bit) + 0.000025), 0x3FF);

void CompressedQuaternionU32::Compress(Quaternion *src) {
    uint32 a, b, c, x;
    float32 ax, ay, az, aw;
    Quaternion q;

    q = *src;

    ax = abs(q.x);
    ay = abs(q.y);
    az = abs(q.z);
    aw = abs(q.w);

    if (ax > ay && ax > az && ax > aw) {
        // x is greatest element.
        if (q.x < 0.0) q.Negate();
        a = CompressElement(q.y);
        b = CompressElement(q.z);
        c = CompressElement(q.w);
        x = 0;
    } else if (ay > az && ay > aw) {
        // y is greatest element.
        if (q.y < 0.0) q.Negate();
        a = CompressElement(q.x);
        b = CompressElement(q.z);
        c = CompressElement(q.w);
        x = 1;
    } else if (az > aw) {
        // z is greatest element.
        if (q.z < 0.0) q.Negate();
        a = CompressElement(q.x);
        b = CompressElement(q.y);
        c = CompressElement(q.w);
        x = 2;
    } else {
        // w is greatest element.
        if (q.w < 0.0) q.Negate();
        a = CompressElement(q.x);
        b = CompressElement(q.y);
        c = CompressElement(q.z);
        x = 3;

    this->v = (x << 30) | (a << 20) | (b << 10) | c;

void CompressedQuaternionU32::Decompress(Quaternion *dst) {
    float32 a, b, c, s;

    a = (float32)(this->v >> 20 & 0x3FF) * scaleRange10Bit - oneOverRootTwo;
    b = (float32)(this->v >> 10 & 0x3FF) * scaleRange10Bit - oneOverRootTwo;
    c = (float32)(this->v >>  0 & 0x3FF) * scaleRange10Bit - oneOverRootTwo;
    s = sqrt(((1.0 - a*a) - b*b) - c*c);

    switch this->v >> 30 {
    case 0:
        dst->x = s;
        dst->y = a;
        dst->z = b;
        dst->w = c;
    case 1:
        dst->x = a;
        dst->y = s;
        dst->z = b;
        dst->w = c;
    case 2:
        dst->x = a;
        dst->y = b;
        dst->z = s;
        dst->w = c;
    case 3:
        dst->x = a;
        dst->y = b;
        dst->z = c;
        dst->w = s;